Psychotherapy Sessions *Breakdown, breakthrough to get a solid intention!
I am fascinated by the human experience. Why do we do what we do and why do we think what we think?
In my own search for inner peace, I opened to life deep within me. I call this Contemplative Awareness. Contemplation simply means opening up to Reality and Life from one's whole being or person. It means being in touch with our own humanity. This involves a shift from constant thinking about my life and all of the things I cannot control to one whereby I am grounded and begin to experience a feeling of security or "being held".
I began to develop this approach in my psychotherapy practice with surprising results. When a person is able to live from their whole being, with purpose and intention, anxiety begins to be calmed. One can then learn to rest their whole person in life without the constant worry that they are missing something. One can begin to focus their life on what is essential to them.
How can this happen? There are practical considerations. These are about the thought patterns and behaviour patterns that have become unconscious. Thoughts and behavior has a direct effect on our emotions and feelings. We can alter our emotions by shifting our thoughts and behaviour patterns. Thoughts and behaviours flow downstream from the desire and intention of our hearts. Contemplative Awareness Therapy in a safe environment where a person can begin to shift the direction of their life to one whereby life is experienced more fully and anxiety is quelled is what I offer to you. My whole life has been centered on this search for inner calm and I hope to share it with you.