* In Person * By Phone * Remotely


Phase #1 Personal - Overall Wellness Assessment

We being with a wellness assessment. Looking at ways to Improve your overall health. BB Balane your will  discuss activity, nutrition, career goals, recreational activities and your zest for life rating. This action plan will be designed specifically for your needs designing a goal that is meaningful, obtainable and challenging. You will learn learn tips on how to optimize your health and get moving with a sense of where you are going. 

Phase #2 Motivational Action Plan - 8 - week session

Arew you ready to set goals and see them through with someone cheerleaing you on? Your personal motivational lifestyle coaching sessions will allow you to have deep meaningful conversations with a certified coach practitioner. Discussing current challenges is a powerful tool to get you on track again. Your Action Plan will focus on a number of health related along with boundary topics. We will tracking progress and goal oriented milestones. Weekly session or bi-weekly sessions will guide you through and support you to become more confident and self aware of your emotional regulation abilities.   (BB Balane, B.A. Certified Coach Practitioner)

Phase #3 Goal Review - Check it Off 

One of the great feelings is when you have a look at your checklist and see all the amazing accomplishments you have made in just 8 weeks!  When you set a clear intentional vision you are not wandering aimlessly asking yourself "Whats the point". You have a positive attitude and you begin to see a real shift in your patterns and how you feel every day. I like to call them habits of happiness.